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3 Subtle Signs of Type 2 Diabetes in Women

3 Subtle Signs of Type 2 Diabetes in Women

Many medical conditions affect men and women differently, and hormones are a driving factor in the discrepancy. Some conditions, like heart attack, have very different symptoms between the sexes. Other conditions, like diabetes, have more subtle distinctions. 

Most of the common symptoms of diabetes affect both men and women. For type 2 diabetes, those symptoms include:

Roughly 15 million women in the United States live with diabetes, and they experience higher rates of complications than men, including heart disease and vision loss. By engaging in a personalized chronic care plan at Salem Wellness Clinic in Salem, Oregon, you can lower your risk for these complications and others. 

Laika Rodriguez, ND, and Katy Hernandez, FNP, BC, can help you recognize early signs of diabetes. If you’re a woman with type 2, they provide you with a glucose-stabilizing diet plan and additional recommendations for blood sugar control. In addition to the well-known symptoms of diabetes like increased thirst and urination, women with type 2 diabetes experience several other subtle signs:

1. Heavy menstrual periods

Diabetes is closely related to your hormones, so it’s no surprise it can disrupt your menstrual cycle. While some research suggests that insulin levels fluctuate throughout the different phases of your menstrual cycle, another likely explanation is that your changing hunger levels and eating habits are driving these fluctuations instead. 

In any case, many women with type 2 diabetes experience longer, heavier, and more irregular periods. If you notice any unprecedented changes in your menstruation, it’s essential to contact our team to find and address the underlying cause. 

2. Frequent yeast infections

Your body is covered in a fungus called yeast (candida). A healthy immune system regulates the growth of fungi, but certain factors can cause the yeast to multiply, resulting in a yeast infection. Candida feeds on glucose, so you’re more likely to experience yeast infections if you have high blood sugar. 

Women can experience vaginal yeast infections that cause unpleasant symptoms like thick vaginal discharge, irritation, and vulvar swelling. These symptoms intensify the longer you go without treatment. 

If you have type 2 diabetes, the excessive glucose in your blood translates to your urine and can lead to chronic vaginal yeast infections. Similarly, your risk increases for urinary tract infections. Diabetes-related yeast infections can be challenging to treat, but controlling your blood sugar with healthy eating habits, exercise, and stress reduction can reduce your infections. 

3. Weight changes you can’t explain

Many women gain some weight after menopause, but uncontrolled type 2 diabetes can cause you to gain weight at an alarming rate. The hormones your body stops producing during menopause influence your body’s response to insulin. When they fluctuate, so do your blood sugar levels. You might experience increased complications of diabetes during menopause in addition to increased weight gain. 

You can trust our experts at Salem Wellness Clinic to help you become more in tune with your body and adjust your diet and lifestyle accordingly. 

Call Salem Wellness Clinic or book an appointment online to take control of your type 2 diabetes today. 

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