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Myths and Facts About Dietary Supplements Oct 13th, 2024

Have you ever heard a claim about dietary supplements that seems too good to be true or borderline outlandish? Exaggeration and misinformation are common around the topic of dietary supplements because these products aren’t approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for medical use, safety, or effectiveness. ...

The Best Exercises for Weight Loss Sep 19th, 2024

The safest and most sustainable approach to weight loss involves a blend of lifestyle changes, including regular physical activity and balanced eating. Sometimes, other conditions contribute to weight gain, like diabetes or depression. That’s why it’s important to manage them with a medical professional.  Healthy eating and exercise are two...

 The Link Between Hormone Imbalance and Fatigue Aug 14th, 2024

It’s normal to feel tired at the end of a long workday or after an exciting vacation, but what if you constantly feel exhausted? Fatigue is often a symptom of an underlying condition. However, many people write it off as general tiredness. If fatigue lasts longer than a week or...

4 Reasons to Stop Your Fad Diet Jul 15th, 2024

Fad diets promise to help you lose weight quickly, making them appealing to many people struggling with weight challenges. However, a fad diet is simply a fad with little to no evidence of true health benefits.  Even if following a fad diet results in quick weight loss, the results are...

What Can Help With My Night Sweats? Jun 24th, 2024

Night sweats can happen to almost anyone occasionally. However, if they become a frequent problem, you need to seek treatments or routine changes to alleviate your nighttime sweating. When you wake up to soaked sheets and clothing regularly, something isn’t right.  Night sweats are episodes of excessive sweating that happen...

The Dangers of Hypertension May 1st, 2024

Hypertension (high blood pressure) can affect anyone. Your likelihood increases with age, and there are numerous other risk factors, including smoking, a sedentary lifestyle, and a high-sodium diet.  The tricky thing about hypertension is that it doesn’t cause symptoms. You can live with high blood pressure for years and have...

Is Type 2 Diabetes Reversible? Apr 1st, 2024

Not many chronic diseases are reversible, but Type 2 diabetes is an exception. If you manage the condition with healthy lifestyle changes, diet management, and medications, you improve your chance of reversing the condition.  However, you’ll remain at risk of high blood sugar, so any healthy changes you make need...

I’m Sick of Fad Diets Not Working: Can You Help? Mar 8th, 2024

You’ve seen the fad diets on social media and television. From paleo to keto, fad diets capture the attention of the public by promising quick fixes. While getting caught up in their appeal is easy, most people don’t see the results.  Even if you’ve had some success with a fad...

Post-Gestational Diabetes: 5 Habits for Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Feb 5th, 2024

Pregnancy is complex. Gestational diabetes, a condition that affects 2-10% of pregnant women yearly in the United States, makes it even more challenging to navigate your pregnancy. Around 50% of women who experience gestational diabetes during pregnancy go on to develop type 2 diabetes years later. While the risk is...

Is the Weather Making Me Tired? Jan 9th, 2024

Many people acknowledge the weather's impact on their moods, but could it affect your energy levels? Among fibromyalgia patients, studies show that weather sensitivity can significantly decrease quality of life. The same is true for many people who experience increased fatigue and inflammatory pain when the weather changes for the...

Can I Have Hypertension Without Knowing It? Dec 3rd, 2023

Hypertension, otherwise known as high blood pressure, affects almost half of adults in the United States and is a primary or contributing cause of nearly 700 thousand deaths across the country every year.  With such a high prevalence, you might assume people are mindful of their blood pressure and the...

4 Foods to Eat (and Avoid) With Migraines Nov 2nd, 2023

If you have migraines, you probably know that certain foods and actions trigger them. Identifying your migraine triggers is just one step toward managing and minimizing your migraine headaches. Modifying your diet can make a difference in the number of migraines you experience.  Having migraines means dealing with the symptoms...

My Mom Has a Thyroid Disorder. Will I Get It Too? Oct 8th, 2023

You can thank your thyroid gland for controlling your metabolism — the process your body uses to convert food into energy. Without your thyroid, your cells couldn’t function because they would have no power.  When the thyroid gland cannot produce sufficient hormones (hypothyroidism), or when it makes too many (hyperthyroidism),...

When to Worry About Constant Fatigue Sep 7th, 2023

After a long weekend or an evening on the town, you might feel like staying in bed the next day. This is a perfectly reasonable level of fatigue that everyone experiences on occasion. Yet, fatigue isn’t always so innocent. If you feel fatigued daily or most of the time, it’s...

The Connection Between Hormones and Mood Aug 7th, 2023

Have you noticed how your emotions seem to fluctuate? Your hormones are the reason why your feelings are out of sorts.  Hormones are critical in regulating various bodily functions, and their impact extends to your mental and emotional well-being. Learning about the connection between hormones and your mood can offer...

3 Subtle Signs of Type 2 Diabetes in Women Jul 13th, 2023

Many medical conditions affect men and women differently, and hormones are a driving factor in the discrepancy. Some conditions, like heart attack, have very different symptoms between the sexes. Other conditions, like diabetes, have more subtle distinctions.  Most of the common symptoms of diabetes affect both men and women. For type...

You Could Be Suffering From Hypertension and Not Know It Jun 7th, 2023

When something’s wrong with your health, you usually experience symptoms. Unfortunately, hypertension doesn’t usually produce noticeable symptoms.  Hypertension, or high blood pressure, affects around 1.28 billion people worldwide, yet almost half are unaware they have it. That’s because hypertension typically doesn’t cause any symptoms. Left unchecked, hypertension increases your risk...

5 Signs You May Have a Hormone Imbalance May 8th, 2023

Hormones are chemicals inside your body that communicate messages to your organs and tissues, driving their many functions. No wonder a hormone imbalance causes so many unpleasant symptoms considering how essential hormones are in how you feel and how your body functions.  Some providers prescribe medications for specific hormone-related symptoms...

Typical Tummy Trouble or IBS: How to Tell the Difference Apr 14th, 2023

If you often rush out of the room because of bowel problems, like diarrhea or a tummy ache, it’s time to take a deeper look into your digestive health. Typical tummy trouble and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are uncomfortable and can be a source of embarrassment, but the latter requires...

Spotting the Warning Signs of a Thyroid Disorder Mar 27th, 2023

Your thyroid is a major hormone gland that directs the function of many body systems. Any condition that affects thyroid function alters hormone production and disrupts the normal workings of your body. Thyroid disorders are common, affecting more than 20 million people in the United States. Though anyone can develop...

Environmental Allergies and Supplements Apr 26th, 2019

Environmental Allergies and Supplements An allergy is an abnormal immune system response to an allergen. Allergens are substances such as pollen, grass, pet dander, mold, dust, and certain foods.  Bee venom and roaches can also cause allergic reactions.  During the immune response, your body produces substances like histamines and prostaglandins...

Measles and Vaccines Apr 19th, 2019

Measles cases have surged in the US and around the world as the World Health Organization (WHO) is stating. The WHO has now reported over 112,000 cases of measles around the world during the first few months of 2019. It has nearly multiplied by 4 compared to the same time...